Survey for 4 year old child killed in Linden Park brings out shocking details that can bedevil the current situation, that killed six little stray dogs. Sources inside the investigation told DC News that the existing data to Currently, DNA tests show that samples from wounds killed baby not found any DNA stray dog of the six accused would have killed Ionut. "We have argued from the beginning that the child was killed a fighting dog. It was impossible for him to make those dogs hurt child's body. And it was impossible after the attack, the dogs to sit still and give the queue. Any ethologist understood that dogs were not vinovaţi.Poate that one of her baby and have smelled blood on the fur, but as seen on TV, were the result of interference were not caused by a bite. It was a disinformation campaign, the enmity of the population. At this time, authorities are required to identify the dog's owner guilty battle that dragged the body to the place where it was found, "said the DC News President of the Federation for the Protection of Animals and the Environment. [ Original Source - click here]
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
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Launch a protest at the President Residence or office and all government boards to stop the culling of stray dogs and demand justice for those who were killed tragically
If we put the pressure on Romanian people here in the states they would try to help stop this as well instead of turning a deaf ear to it How ? By boycotting them even here on face book let them know we are not going to just watch and do nothing here on face book, as they keep slaughtering gods creatures period !!!!.. They have churches as well here in the Usa talk to the ministers and question him you're allowing this to happen over there? , and your a god fearing man ? you should be trying to stop it if it were the case !!!
Boycotting Romanians is quite a stupid idea. Romanian people overall are not guilty, but their government.
fucking romanian government -.-
so you must be vegan?
No, it's any governement. Or do you perhaps know of a 100% vegan country?
Sorry for being so picky, but the post was impossible to understand because the english translation was so poor. I had to just guess at what the author was trying to say. Please get a better english translation so the english speaking world can understand what is going on in your country.
Romanian Animal Rescue - one of the finest animal welfare orgs in the world. The work they do in poor areas is amazing. Support them and help to stop this cruelty.
The plan is to re-edit, time has been short though. Should you wish to find a good translator, please do but at present all we have at our speed is Google translator. I do take your point.
Do you have their contact details/website etc and will add it to our list.
It is not only the government. Unfortunately a lot - but fortunately not all - of the Romanian people are not very stray dog friendly. This is due to different factors (historical reasons, lack of education, propaganda etc). Commenting as a foreigner without having been there is a bit uninformed and unexperienced. I am a dog-lover. living in Sofia, Bulgaria (we also have a lot of strays here) and I have visited Romania. I like the dogs and I support NGO's who run a good shelter and/or have a catch-neuter-return program. Nevertheless, I can understand that some people are scared (some of our strays are really big and bark really loud) and it is a fact that people do get bitten sometimes (I got bitten once in Sofia). Fear drives people to do crazy things. And aside of that, there are also a lot of uneducated village-people in our countries who just don't value a dog (or other animal) as an individual living being.
Fortunately there are also good people who do feed dogs, stand up for their rights, protest etc.
Nevertheless any government (with some exceptions) needs support from its people (or at least a part of the people) to push through any legislation. Point: it's not just the government.
Google says:
Well said I totally agree with you! It is important that the people themselves put pressure on the government.
LIKE! very useful indeed sound like they need all our support
The whole story with the child killed by stray dogs looked suspicious from the very beginning, I never believed it... But I am so sorry for the innocent animals that happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time! Romania is just a barbaric country NOT deserving to be a part of the European Union due to its level of development. Please get the DNA results PROMPTLY to the European bodies for further action. I cannot possibly understand why Romania should enjoy European priviliges and European money if they do not observe European law. My God, what an awful country and what awful people! I will stop supporting any Romanians flowing now in great numbers into Austria... Never again! I cannot believe that such a hideous country can be in the European Union and can receive money from us taxpayers in other European countries! Looks like I myself am sponsoring Romanian brutality towards stray dogs with my taxes, I cannot believe it! I am asking myself what I can do against it as a taxpayer, I do NOT want to sponsor all this! Regards from Austria
YES, AGREE, and do this as soon as possible!
Ah, God, the government is always elected by the people and reflects their values! The Romanians are no better than their government, they supported mass killings of stray animals almost unanimously, dont forget this!
not fare for these poor dogs.
"A righteous man regards the life of animals" - PROVERBS 12:10; "If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion & pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men" - FRANCIS OF ASSISI; "I hope to make people realize how totally helpless animals are, how dependent on us, trusting as a child must that we will be kind and take care of their needs...(They) are an obligation put on us, a responsibility we have no rights to neglect, nor to violate by cruelty...." - JAMES HARRIOT; "The greatness of a nation & its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated" - MAHATMA GANDHI
And I take it they are bringing in outsiders to slaughter the dogs????? No you fool it is Romanians doing so by the thousands!
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