Saturday, 21 September 2013

Document describing the disgraceful conditions of Bucov Dog Shelter.

To the Mayor of Ploiesti date 2011.

Source - Facebook.

Lately there have been many complaints received from citizens about the actions of the Bucov management against stray dogs.

Thus, in the last 10 days, the collection actions in the municipality of Ploiesti dogs have increased in intensity and the number of dogs caught daily is about 40, so that about 400 dogs entered the shelter Bucov at this time.

The head of department, Dr. Dragos Rusu does not allow adoption, claiming that "the shelter is in quarantine", which is an abuse given the fact that according to telephone conversation with the Sanitary Veterinary Direction Prahova, there is no kind of quarantine no grounds to declare one.

We mention also the following:

- Collection of dogs is not done after written complaints have been made (according to Law 955/2004 Art. 17 paragraph. (3). A): “collecting dogs can only be based on written complaints”) but on the basis of telephone complaints.

Also lately massive capture was made for unknown reasons
- The dog transport is done with a car in which there is no ventilation - the vehicle used to transport dogs do not meet the conditions stipulated in the OUG 155 (Annex 1 letter. E and Annex 2 letter. B)
- There is no record of all dogs entering the shelter – not respecting the art. 10 of OUG 155 and also leading to abuses in the sense that many dogs, not registered, may be euthanized.
- Dogs captured, still tranquilized, are deposited in the pens among the other dogs which quickly assaulted and kill them
- The failure to register all dogs collected and brought to the shelter allows failure to record these all the resulting death cases
- Sick dogs are not treated (they suffer from various infections, skin diseases;no animal deworming is perfomed and no proper shelter conditions are offered)
- Pens in which puppies and their mothers are placed are completely dirty, with surfaces covered in feces. Many puppies are get sick, some dying there (contracting parvovirus) – This situation is violating the rules laid down in the Ordinance 155/2001, Annex 1, PC. b and animal welfare rules stipulated in Law 205/2004 modified by Law 9 / 2008 Art. 5. (1).
- Sick a few day old puppies without mothers, are left to die eaten alive by worms deposited by insects – This in accordance with law 205/2004 is a clear case of cruelty to animals
- There is no health care, there is no coordination in this respect and the head of department Dr. Dragos Rusu –is not respecting the OUG 155/2001 (Annex 1 letter. C) and Law 205/2004 art. 5. (1).
- The sterilization of shelter dogs is not performed, there are puppies born in the shelter. This situation is unacceptable. There is a clear disinterest of the Local administration (which finances the service from Bucov) regarding the overcrowded shelter.
- The cold room is not functioning normally so that the bodies are rotting inside it and unbearable odors are released by the corpses stored there-representing a danger of pollution – and being contrary to environmental standards.
The dog food (as perishable foods) which was donated from various companies is stored in the same room as the rotting bodies.
We expect that you help apply the existing legal regulations regarding animal welfare.
Thus, by this we ask:
- immediate investigation regarding the conditions in Bucov shelter
-immediate action to stop the trapping of stray dogs in Ploiesti by the company / firm that manages the shelter
-Measures against all abuse of the current shelter director Vlad Catalin and head of department: Dr. Dragos Rusu
- Put the local animal protection association in charge of the shelter!

If Romania wants to be considered a European Country then the European regulations and the Romanian law should be respected applied and the abuse against it should be punished.

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