Tuesday, 24 September 2013

More than 300 personalities call the CCR on a proper bill stray dogs

Cristina Ţopescu the initiative, more than 300 figures and members of civil society in Romania appeal to Constitutional Court judges for a proper law of stray dogs. Constitutional Court will discuss the referral made on September 25 by a group of 30 lawmakers on the constitutionality of the bill which provides for euthanasia within 14 working days of the stray dogs that are not claimed or adopted.

Original Source - DC News


In the last 3 weeks due to the tragic death of a 4 year old child , killed by dogs ( with their involvement in circumstances still unclear ) , Romania is a country comprised of psychosis violence against owners of dogs and stray dogs . Society is more polarized than ever , the two sides are threatening each other , we live practically at war with man and man with man animal.

All this happened with the tacit tolerance of public authorities , but also against the background of messages that incite violence and hatred among people, hatred between us , hatred of a population of animals, all of them without distinction. Unleash the Romans believe their own hands , resorting to unimaginable atrocities , Justice, State and Justice to replace the -eye for eye, tooth for tooth . In these circumstances, the rule of law can not be a reality, but rather a lack of support claim . Not met in any member country of the European Union a similar case in which the politics of the nation to instill hatred and violence against stray animals and people who are in favor of protection. The rule of law means respect for the law , not free will. It's time to enter the civilized world from this point of view , that the way we treat animals , abandoned by anyone other than us. After such a drama , even now, in the 12th hour, it's time to take action . Animal Place is not in the streets. The measures we take to stop this phenomenon must take , but by reason and civility , not resentment and political or pecuniary interests . The fact that we got here , we all know , has the exclusive cause indifference authorities and too tolerant of civil society with the political class . Following Ionut's tragedy , the Romanian Parliament rather fit to adopt a law that authorizes municipalities to kill stray animals mass without any constraint , by distorting the legal meaning of euthanasia .

We recall that euthanasia is defined as a painless medical procedure , designed to curb the pain a patient is in a terminal stage of an incurable disease . In addition , if such a population of dogs , you know well that it's not about euthanasia , but a mass murder .

The law passed by the Parliament violates Article 13 of the Treaty of Lisbon, the European Convention for the protection of pet animals nr.60/2004 ratified by Law , and Law 205/2004 on the protection of animals approved as amended by Law 9 / , 2008. Also, ignore the law adopted by the institution's decision that you represent , the Constitutional Court , Decision no. 1 of 11 January 2012, published in Official Gazette Aromanians , Part I, no. 53 of 23 January 2012. Moreover, the Romanian Parliament adopted the law creates a framework for conflict between several laws , which allows free will , leaving already killing animals in many parts of the country.

Numerous studies and treaties, including the conclusions of the World Health Organization , recommend applying a reproduction control program and not a solution radical , inhumane , expensive and inefficient !

WHO recommended measures are in the hands of the authorities and civil society and the population must empower , educate and stimulate them to engage effectively and in managing this serious crisis situations , including adoptions . Adoptions , which, however , according to current legislation, are rather hampered than encouraged .

 To mask a crass institutional incapacity and reckless spending of public money , without ensuring any animal welfare, nor the people , the Romanian authorities have done now, in haste , the adoption of a legal framework ignoring international treaties and application EP resolution of July 4, 2012 on the EU Strategy for the protection and welfare of Animals 2012-2015 (2012/ 2043 ( INI) , which by paragraphs 24 to 28 , requires Member States to adopt comprehensive strategies canine population management . in this context , we consider Romanian authorities have the obligation to respect international law and international treaties Romania is a member state . Moreover , the Romanian authorities have the obligation to direct legal aspect of the situation that created social tensions between people unnecessarily, giving the current regulation on the mass killing of stray animals , correlated with the consistent application of the law no.9/2008 and implement a national strategy , according to the European Parliament resolution of 4 July 2012 , in partnership with civil society representatives .

In Romania , for 20 years , constant killing of stray dogs has proven to be an ineffective method , which, although at first glance illogical , population growth has led to the canine community .

In Romania , killing dogs sustained abuse , barbarism , and corruption .

Outside the country , under the slogan RED CARD FOR ROMANIA , thousands of European citizens have given a red card in the 25 capitals of Romania and European cities (London , Berlin, Brussels, Bonn , Bern, Cologne , Vienna , Milan, etc). Thousands of citizens have announced their participation in protests still take place daily in front of embassies / consulates in Germany, Greece , Poland , Austria , Finland, Spain, the Netherlands , Bulgaria.

Romania is already the image of a country that claims to want to get to civilization , but it is barbaric methods . It's not yet too late ! We ask you , ladies and gentlemen judge, do you have something in mind when you decide that an entire country , and Europe, waits : beyond animal rights recognized in civilized countries , human rights refer to a citizen safety State of being attacked by animals abandoned , but equally to the same or other right of citizens not to be forced to live in their own country , a massacre in the state trauma , inefficient force them to partake . Are citizens in this country, adults and children, who can not conceive , can not live such horrors . And they are not few , I assure you . There are civilized solutions , it's time that those who lead us to apply ! And that now depends on you!

 The above mine , arguments belong specialists in the field , and below you over 300 personalities from Romania or simply members of civil society that appeal to the Constitutional Court of Romania to make the right decision and Europe. In a normal world it can not be " final solution " .

Cu respect,
 Cristina Topescu”
 1. Radu Beligan-actor
2. Marin Moraru-actor
3, Ioan Lascar-medic, prof.dr
4. Mircea Beuran-medic, prof.dr
5. Lucian Boia- istoric
6. Luminita Gheorghiu-actrita
7. Ion Besoiu-actor
8. Florina Cercel-actrita
9. Tamara Buciuceanu-Botez-actrita
10. Gheorghe Zamfir-artist liric
11. Dan Iordachescu-artist liric
12. Dan Enescu-medic, prof.dr
13. Daniela Bartos-medic, prof.dr
14. Monica Pop-medic, prof.dr
15. Daniela Safta-medic, prof.dr
16. Cleopatra Melidoneanu-artist liric
17. Gheorghe Burnei-medic, prof.dr
18. Sebastian Papaiani-actor
19. Ionel Voineag-artist liric
20. Costel Constantin-actor
21. Dan Puric-actor
22. Dan Pita- regizor
23. Catrinel Dumitrescu-actrita
24. Coca Bloos-actrita
25. Oana Pellea-actrita
26. Pompei Harasteanu-artist liric
27. Maria Slatinaru-Nistor-artist liric
28. Ion Dichiseanu-actor
29. Paula Seling-artist
30. Mircea Penescu-medic, prof.dr
31. Alis Grasu-medic
32. Cristina Corciovescu-critic film, 33. Magda Mihailescu- critic film
34. Laurentiu Damian-regizor
35. Calin Netzer-regizor
36. Vintila Mihailescu-psihosociolog si antropolog
37. Cristian Parvulescu- sociolog
38. Marius Pieleanu-sociolog
39. Hanibal Dumitrascu-psiholog
40. Mircea Kivu-sociolog
41. Valentin Ionescu-consultant de management
42. Sanda Manu-regizor
43. Copel Moscu-regizor
44. Berti Barbera-artist
45. Claudiu Bleontz-actor
46. Oreste Teodorescu-realizator TV
47. Mihai Constantin-actor
48. Marius Manole-actor
49. Irina Movila-actrita
50. Razvan Vasilescu-actor
51. Mihnea Columbeanu-regizor
52. Mircea Cocolas- regizor
53. Marius Florea Vizante-actor
54. Maria Buza-actrita
55. Alice Barb-regizor
56. Gabriela Popescu-actrita
57. Mihai Traistariu-artist
58. Alexandra Ungureanu-artist
59. Horia Moculescu-compozitor
60. Stefan Banica-actor
61. Irina Cojar-actrita
62. Gianina Corondan-realizator TV
63. Maria Radu-artist
64. Liviu Mihaiu-realizator radio-tv
65. Rodica Mandache-actrita
66. Lia Bugnar-actrita,dramaturg
67. Anghel Damian- actor
68. Ada Milea-artist
69. Vlad Radescu-actor
70. Mihai Verbitchi-actor
71. Marina Procopie-actrita
72. Ion Cocieru-actor
73. Irina Barladeanu-actrita
74. Doru Tufis-artist
75. Camelia Zorlescu-actrita
76. Carmen Tanase-actrita
77. Adriana Trandafir-actrita
78. Virginia Rogin-actrita
79. Nuami Dinescu-actrita
80. Silvia Kerim-scriitoare
81. Dan Chisu-regizor
82. Anca Damian- regizor,
83. Luminita Boerescu- critic film
84. Crina Mardare-artist
85. Misu Cernea-artist
86. Bubu Cernea-artist
87. Cristian Topescu- realizator TV
88. Ion Haiduc- actor
89. Bebe Cotimanis-actor
90. Elvira Deatcu-actrita
91. Lucia Popescu Moraru-realizator radio
92. Natasa Raab-actrita
93. Anca Sigartau-actrita
94. Stefan Peca-dramaturg
95. Andreea Valean- regizor
96. Iulia Popovici-cronicar teatru,
97. Geanina Carbunariu- regizor
98. Mirela Oprisor- actrita
99. Mimi Branescu- scenarist
100. Alina Moldovan- director Opereta
101. Razvan Dinca- director Opera
102. Razvan Mazilu- coregraf
103. Monica Petrica- balerina
104. Emilia Dobrin Dabija-actrita
105. Mirabela Dauer-artist
106. Cristian Faur-compozitor
107. Mihai Constantinescu- artist
108. Calin Geambasu-artist
109. Emilia Popescu-actrita
110. Monica Davidescu-actrita
111. Catalina Mustata-actrita
112. Aurelian Temisan-artist
113. Irina Margareta Nistor-critic film
114. Adrian Enescu-compozitor
115. Adina Popescu-actrita
116. Catalina Buzoianu-regizor
117. Papil Panduru-actor
118. Radu Afrim-regizor
119. Tudor Aaron Istodor-actor
120. Ada Lupu Hausevater-regizor
121. Beatrice Rancea-regizor
122. Doru Rancea-actor
123. Diana Dumitrescu-actrita
124. Andreea Raicu-prezentator TV
125. Anca Serbanescu-pictor
126. Tudor Pojoni- editor imagine
127. Dragos Stanescu-regizor
128. Mihai Bogos- editor sunet
129. Corina Stavila-editor imagine
130. Mihai Plesu-publicist
131. Alexandru Cosma- director imagine
132. Mircea Bunescu-operator imagine
133. Cristina Stamate-actrita
134. George Nicolescu-artist
135. Iarina Demian-actrita
136. Diana Cavallioti-actrita
137. Cristi Puiu-regizor
138. Doru Ana-actor
139. Carmen Ionescu-actrita
140. Ilinca Goia-actrita
141. Dominic Dembinschi-regizor
142. Marius Bodochi-actor
143. Adrian Paduraru-actor
144. Dan Condurache-actor
145. Mircea Cornisteanu-regizor
146. Cristi Iacob-actor
147. Magda Catone- actrita
148. Monica Anghel- artist
149. Manuela Ciucur-actrita
150. Nicu Alifantis-artist
151. Christel Ungar-realizator tv
152. Crina Matei-actrita
153. Virgil Ogasanu-actor
154. Mihai Ogasanu-regizor
155.Valeria Ogasanu-actrita
156. Cabral Ibacka-prezentator tv
157. Bogdana Apostu-muzician
158. Anette Apostu-pictor
159. Ada Leonte- sculptor
160. Marius Leonte-sculptor
161. Roxana Andronescu-artist
162. Ioana Holban- critic teatral
163. Daniela Caraman Fotea-muzicolog
164. Dan Teodorescu- artist
165. Paul Enigarescu-inginer de sunet
166. Gelu Vlasin-scriitor
167. Alexandru Arsinel-actor
168. Marian Ralea-actor
169. Alin Galatescu- critic de moda
170. Andrei Duban-actor
171. Alexandra Velniciuc-actrita
172. Puiu Serban-regizor
173. Dinu Cernescu- regizor
174. Cezara Dafinescu-actrita
175. Cerasela Iosifescu- actrita
176. Andreea Bibiri-actrita
177. Bianca Ionescu- artist
178. Eugen Cristea-actor
179. Cristina Deleanu-actrita
180. Roxana Guttman-actrita
181. Daniela Vladescu-artist
182. Ozana Barabancea-artist
183. Razvan Oprea-actor
184. Iuliana Tudor- prezentator TV
185. Andrei Gheorghe-realizator TV
185. Nicoleta Matei (Nico)-artist
186. Adrian Daminescu-artist
187. Daniela Condurache-artist
188. Maria Butaciu-artist
189. Irina Loghin-artist
190. Maria Ciobanu-artist
191. Maria Butaciu-artist
192. Valeria Arnautu-artist
193. Ionut Dolanescu-artist
194. Irinuca Loghin-artist
195. Daniela Condurache-artist
196. Aneta Stan-artist
197. Gheorghe Turda-artist
198. Benone Sinulescu-artist
199. Stefania Rares-artist
200. Sofia Vicoveanca-artist
201. Angela Buciu-artist
202. Steliana Sima-artist
203. Aurel Tamas-artist
204. Adriana Antoni-artist
205. Constantin Enceanu-artist
206. Petrica Matzu-artist
207. Cornelia Catanga-artist
208. Aurel Padureanu-artist
209. Andrei Tudor- compozitor
210. Paul Nanca-manager musical
211. Daniel Pirici-artist
212.Constantin Dinulescu-actor
213. Carmen Ionescu-actrita
214. Mirela Zeta-actrita
215. Andreea Gramosteanu-actrita
216. Natalie Ester- actrita
217. Lenti Chiriac-realizator Radio
218. Ovidiu Kempes Ioncu-artist
219. Petre Magdin-realizator radio
220. George Epurescu- activist civic
221. Dan Trifu-activist civic
222. Paul Ciuci- artist
223. Radu Fornea- artist
224. Ami (Andreea Moldovan)- artist
225. Marcel Pavel- artist
226. Pepe (Ionut Pascu)-artist
227. Andreea Balan-artist
228. Cabron (Alexandru Minculescu)- artist
229. Catalin Botezatu-fashion designer
230. Kamara Ghedi-artist
1.Mariana Bitang
2. Octavian Bellu
3. Ivan Patzaichin
4. Maricica Puica
5. Marian Dragulescu
6. Leonard Doroftei
7. Cornel Dinu
8. Elisabeta Badea
9. Cristian Gatu
10. Gheorghe Gruia
11. Roland Gunesch
12. Werner Stockl
13. Gabi Szabo
14. Iolanda Balas
15. Nicolae Marasescu
16. Laura Badea
17. Elena Francu
18. Radu Voina
19. Stefan Birtalan
20. Valentin Samungi
21. Titi Aur
1. Gabriel Anghelache
2. Sabin Anghelache
3. Cristina Chelu
4. Alexandru Buzdea
5. Ans-Maria Martac
6. Monica Secui
7. Teodor Soare
8. Adrian Vasile
9. Mircea Butuc
10. Nicola Vasilescu
11. Ionel Ciobotaru
12. Mario Codreanu
13. Liviu Gaita
14. Stefan Fulger
15. Madalina Popescu
16. Raluca Mihaela Zvorasteanu
17. Gogot-Ganu Andreea-Amelia
18. Elisa Badulescu
19. Cristian Badulescu
20. Madalina Andreea Stan
21. Olivia Mihaela Ivanescu
22. Chira Laura Elena
23. Camelia Olaru
24. Dan Gabriel Cazanoc
25. Oana Mihaiela Iusumbeili
26. Ana-Lucia Udrescu
27. Ovidiu Rosu
28. Irina Corbu
29. Carmen Voinescu
30. Florin Mlagiu
31. Anca Tomescu
32. Gabi Ignat
33. Aurelian Stefan
34. Laura Parvan
35. Petrisor Stefan
36. Roxana Stan
37.Mihaela Hodeianu
38. Dragos Gavrila
39. Beatrice Dinu
1. Ion Turculeanu-decan al Baroului Dolj
2. Dan Caraman
3. Doriana Cimpan
4. Ivona Elena Cerneschi
5. Simona Mihaela Oprea
6. Alexandru Morarescu
7. Alice Draghici
8. Florin Surghie
9. Violeta Podolianu
10. Mihnea Stoica
11. Ingrid Zaarour
(avocati in cadrul Baroului Bucuresti)
12. Lovin Serban Niculae – decan al Baroului Ilfov

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