Monday, 23 September 2013

Ten reasons why Romania's proposal to mass murder millions of dogs will not work for two reasons which might work

Original Source is here . Written by Michael Bird.

This is the translation. 

Nobody wants dogs on the street. We yells racist chants No more dogs! We each dog in every school! Required a dog for every office! Two dogs from each newly opened Mega Image! Ten every Carrefour? 
For four years I have written about stray dogs in Romania, I filmed a result the film "Man's Best Friend" which was released this week on Vimeo:

Meanwhile, mayors, residents and dog lovers had the same opinion - no dogs on the street.

Yet when Botosani City Council killed 200 dogs in 2011, a rumor emerged as a group of animal rights activists had planned a Moldovan, Canine Bomb '. O, Canine Bomb 'means animal rights extremists orchestrating fertile mating dogs over a period of six weeks and, once they have hundreds of dogs, let them go through the city. Then comes the chaos of puppies. But it was only a rumor. Nobody - not even in Botosani Canine Bomb plotters - not like dogs on the street. 

So if everyone is thinking the same thing, why can not agree on what media to use? 

Following the horrific attack on a boy of four years from Bucharest mayor Sorin Oprescu has initiated a new law allowing local councils to kill stray dogs after 14 days in captivity - an initiative strongly challenged NGOs and which is currently in debate Constitutional Court. 

Here are ten reasons why this new law can not solve the problem of street dogs - and two reasons why it might succeed.

January. In a city so massive, with a mass of dogs, mass killing is rarely effective. As you kill more dogs, the more there is more space and more food for dogs us. This statement is supported by the World Health Organization. As long as people throw their dogs in the street and allow them to breed freely, there will be more dogs. When some dogs disappear, others appear. 

2. It requires veterinarians to kill animals. Veterinarians need to and want to kill animals. But many of them will not become criminals. Not studied for six years to give a slaughterhouse job surgery. Last month, veterinarians Timisoara voted not to cooperate with the City in killing dogs. It is possible to follow others. 

3. All dogs must die - not only mine. When asked, the Romans say that stray dogs will be killed. But if you ask the same people if they wanted to see the little girl with big brown eyes that greet the day with his head up and tail wagging, his murder with a lethal injection will refuse. Because this dog is gentle with children, friendly to strangers and do not bite again - and they bite, he does because he's scared. Always dogs are dangerous to others. Dogs of another block. In another yard. In another city. 

4. Bucharest attempted mass murder. When he was mayor of Bucharest, Traian Basescu ordered the killing of nearly 100,000 dogs between 2001 and 2003. A failed. 

5. Dogs will die not. Pound them will take those quiet, old, sad and neutered - those who can not be bred. The problem is not strays. The problem is the dogs escaped from care. I watched the gripping action of the dogs in residential areas in the suburbs of Bucharest. When people go to work in the morning, let their dogs free on the street. If you are picked up by the pound, the owners take them to the shelter and pay a fine. But these dogs are virile. They mate with strays. There are new puppies. The problem persists. 

6. People will hide dogs. There are plenty of older people, alone and inactive in Bucharest. But they love dogs. They will follow you come pound and if they come to take their stray dogs, he will hide in their apartment in the basement, garage or in their backyard. 

7. We could become a killing black market. In the past, dog catchers in Bucharest taking money from people blocks stray dogs leave them alone. This thing might happen again. 

8. It's hard to catch a dog. There are about 15 pound prepared three million on Netlog Bucharest and its suburbs. They catch dogs by shooting them with a tranquilizer gun loaded with sedative. The city will need a battalion of trained marksmen, in which they can have confidence that they can handle a gun and a liter of drug with a high street. Bafta interviews, Mr. Oprescu! 

9. Bucharest is a metropolis ruled by the Village Council. Can not cope grandiose projects and challenges. Even small. I stand in Union Square. Downtown. An international exhibit. One year is not over asphalt pavements around the market. It's a construction site dust, mud, rocks and potholes. If Bucharest can not put some paving stones in the center can not handle mass killing of over 50,000 lives. 

10. Capital did not give her again any chance of any other solutions. Counselors will support the idea favorite NGOs to sterilize dogs and then release them on the streets does not work, because the number of stray dog attacks on humans increase. But the city has not tried her again a large-scale program, to see if the number of stray dogs decreases. The problem may disappear if, for a period of five years, could coordinate professional sterilization in conjunction with all of the Bucharest Municipality, while the general adoption and educating people to look at the responsibility of the property right and permission to euthanize Hall old dogs and aggressive.

And two reasons why it might work ....

January. Under the new law, in a small town in Romania would be possible to raise and kill about 1,000 strays. But in Bucharest it takes an unprecedented effort. City must declare war dogs. It takes an army to go from block to block, eventually forcing residents to leave their homes for the police to search, bringing each dog you would not suspect that master. There should be no exception. Must implement the rule of the 14 days prior to kill any dog. Murder means slaughter of 60,000 dogs - and a slaughter can not be effective unless it is mechanically and without mercy. 
2. Politicians inregimenteaza citizens among Punisher. Using the media, politicians demonize all dogs to be violent. The government passed a new law allowing killing dogs. This sends the signal that citizens can beat, poison, calculation or any dog licked off. Some friends tell me how outskirts appear increasingly more dead dogs. If the government continues rhetoric, the action may proceed. The streets will be filled with blood and poison, and the blocks will echo beats hitting your head forward until the last stray dog in Bucharest dies - without the authorities to smear their hands.

Translation: Corina Mic

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