Saturday, 21 September 2013


Request via Facebook

A year ago, some offices were demolished . In their wake , they left , some sad dogs who did not understand why they were abandoned and continues to guard the place . Meanwhile, they have multiplied , and the inhabitants of the place turned into landfill. Adult dogs and puppies are ten remaining six of the many who had been , because no dog is neutered . They live on squalid living space and are eaten alive by ticks and worms. I feed them daily and after four days , desperate and with my soul crushed, sobbing ,one of the puppy got the worst affected , and I thought of euthanasia , to escape him from the torment. At Tazy Vet doctor who knows me , seeing I’m destroyed , proposed me to give him a chance , but he guaranteed me nothing . The dog , on her name Sophia It is currently treated . Her ears are full of sores , they collected over 200 ticks of her fur , she had it between the toes , the nose and buttocks... I don’t find the possible words to explain her condition. It is very anemic, sleeps a lot and only crawling , but eating and fighting for life. Why are you writing this ? Because there are still five puppies , all more or less in the same condition . I do not ask for help material and I try to treat them and others, with cooperation and understanding from Tazy vet. But afterwards? They will have to come back in the same environment infected and misery ? I do not know if I can save them all , but please give them a chance . Help me looking for people that would like to adopt them, . I know you are all hit by the dramatic cases everyday and that's why I called again. I feed them, I treat and I managed to give puppies for adoption , but I’m now overwhelmed by the situation . Believe me that even the doctors have told me that they have not seen some case like this one yet but they hope Sofi to get better . We follow the treatment and if someone could provide adoption for her I would start in parallel to adopt another puppy and to treat him . Sofi is doing injections for one more week, her wounds start to heal , and after three days, if all goes well we are allowed to do and bath too. Then if someone would adopt her , she slowly recovering and I would be able to start another fight for life of her little brother . I can not take on all at once due to space and money . I try to heal all, but time it’s against them so I please ask you to help them and myself to take care of them .

Sofi it’s has about three months, mid-sized , but it looks so bad that I can not do any photo now . Only her eyes are alive and not asking me to leave . She is not the fluffy and playful dog that everybody wants the most . She does not need pity and admiration but help. Then she will become a beauty and I am sure that beein escaped from this hell she will see her protector God. Please help her and at the same time help me to be able to take care of another baby . Time is short . Sofi can go from me in a week when we'll be sure she’s fine . Thank you very much to those who will try to find solutions .!!

Send donations to account 0170-3186-7530-9282-1048
Email address chrisamy2006@yahoo .com, 

Name Amalia Vasiliu

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