Friday, 11 October 2013

Illegal shelter with 90 dogs, Matasari,Gorj!

Please urge authorities to take measures ( 90 animals are in terrible conditions in an illegal shelter waiting to die) , send also photos to: - romanian national mass-media and the media from your country - Sanitary Veterinary One One Direction Skillet Musicorj - - Sanitary Veterinary National Authority - 

We will tell you one by one how things went so that you can understand what is really happening here, all over Romania, actually. Carmena Serbanoiu, president of Pro Animals Romani, ran this action. We were told by people and by our representative there that In Matasari , the public shelter was reopened ( after we closed it months ago) and that there are dogs in very bad conditions, lying in their own excrements, with no food or water , all crowded in tinny kennels. We phoned Sanitary Veterinary Direction whole days to ask to give us inspectors to visit that shelter but they didn't do it. One day, our representative called us and told that she went at the shelter asking to take her dog from there and someone from there told her to come next day with an ID card to pick up the dog as next morning they will all be loaded in trucks and taken away! We called urgently the SVD and told about this and asked the inspectors teams for next morning. At 10 we arrrived in Matasari , with SVD inspectors and mass-media. The shelter was closed and nobody was there. We could hear the tens of dogs crying, barking and bitting eachother. So, we decided to call the Emergency Appeal Number 112 to ask for a team of policemen. 

At the Emergency Appeal number, the voice that replied kept on asking us why we called them, saying that our appeal wasn't an emergency. Carmena explained them the law but they didnt know it. Finally, two policemen came. They told Carmena she is not allowed to go inside shelter as this is a private property, that we have no right! There started the scandal! We told we will call the National Police if they continue with that behaviour. We also called the National Animals Protection Federation FPAM for advice. There came the police commander who was very annoyed by our actions and about the press there. Meanwhile, the SVD inspectors were staying in the cars! We went to Town Hall, where authorities there told that there is no public shelter, that they have no dogs. Police commander told that if we want to go in, we need to make a written demand to the Mayor andthe demand must be approved with days before visit. After a scandal of 3 hours in front of shelter, someone from the Town hall came and we and we entered shelter after we gae other calls to sole this problem. 

We took photos, numbered the dogs. They were 90 dogs, crowded 25 in one kennel, in a terrible dirt and condition!!! Now, the policemen made a written-notice where they found Carmena quilty that she trasspassed a private property and that SVD inspectors told everyting was fine inside shelter ( no animal cruelty). They wanted to get her sign but when she ask them to read what they wrote , she refused to sign and they got very angry. Also, SVD ispectors said they didnt declare such a thing ( that everything was fine) so they must change the written-notice. We asked a copy of the written-notice but they refuse to give it asking us to make a demand to the commander to have one. The next day, we called SVD director asking the measures they took and to take urgent measures with the 90 dogs imprisoned there but they gave no reply. Today, they promis we will make a commune action next week, but until Monday those dogs will live in that hell. 

Here are mass-media :ției+ News from Matasari, March 2013 you can see here :

Here you can see more about MAtasari, since 2003, when dogs were shot in the streets:
by: How stray dogs problem is managed in Gorj- Romania

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