Saturday, 19 October 2013

Paying civilians to bring in dogs is unlawful.

From Mira 

"I GOT a tiny VICTORY mail, from the County Police in Bacau ( not only a local police....! ) YES ! I found out from an article in the media, that the Mayor of Buhusi ( and its council...who of course have NO clue about what this law contains ) intended to PAY civilians to bring them the dogs in the town ( where to bring them they did not say...) and they will be paid 40lei/first dog, 30lei/second dog and 20lei/third dog...THIS IS ILLEGAL...and I send my letter to all authorities : Buhusi Town hall, bacau County Police, sanitary Veterinary local and national authority, and the media where the "big news" were announced...oh, well...I WAS is illegal, and the police confirmed it and they say that they also send a letter to the town hall ...where there are NO public shelters, they CAN NOT start collecting dogs...they can not even hire dog, I was right, until ALL the article of the law ARE IMPLEMENTED as stipulated in the law, they can not start this activity, far less they can not KILL any dog...( here is the article...) As I said it many times, this law has 42 articles, countless paragraphs, 5 annexes and the Methodological Norms are very clear and detailed...whomever things that this law has only ONE article is WRONG and the killing can be stopped and/or postponed until all the other requirements are FULLY IMPLEMENTED"

Original Article here.

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