Wednesday, 9 October 2013

The Bostosani Massacre

VIDEO  More than 200 stray dogs in the Botosani city hall employees were killed in paddocks arranged by local government. The staff tried to prevent the journalists 

Dead dogs were found this morning by representatives of animal welfare organizations, who argue that municipal employees who dealt with paddocks were intoxicated.

On arrival of the press, animal corpses were wrapped in bags. Moreover, employees who handle ingijirea dogs were aggressive to the emergence of the press and police. They tried to remove the journalists, opening the water hoses on them and direct them. They also threw bricks .

Massacre in Botosani. Over 200 dogs killed Hall employees shocking. Hundreds of dogs killed in Botosani and placed in plastic bags

Immediately, employees barricaded themselves in a room, and now, on the spot, the police and representatives of the mayor is trying to enter the room where there are employees.

According to representatives of animal welfare organizations, employees should be told that dogs were killed under an order received from their bosses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another massacre is planned for October 15 2014 at the Botosani shelter. There are people wanting to adopt and foster the dogs but they are blocking it all. They just want to kill them.