On Friday, 21st of March, the same day that
ASPA raided a shelter run by volunteers and vandalized the adjacent VIER
PFOTEN clinic in Bucharest, Răzvan Băncescu, head of ASPA -- which
stands for 'Autoritatea pentru Supravegherea şi Protecţia Animalelor'
and which, ironically means: "Authority for the Supervision and
Protection of Animals", THE Romanian authority for the management of
stray dogs and which is currently under investigation by the
Romanian National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA) -- announced that
the authority would block adoptions of dogs in certain areas because
some dog owners had made false declarations regarding their adoption.
NGOs and individuals who, through false statements or abandonment had
not complied with the adoption of stray dogs will no longer be allowed
to adopt animals from ASPA shelters, continued Bancescu, and that this
ban would come into effect on Monday, 24th of March, 2014. The
prohibition would cover 6 NGOs as well as 25 private individuals.
During his TV appearance, Bancescu siad:
1) due to the situation created yesterday -- referring to the woman
was found dead, Thursday morning, in a market of Bucharest, with her
face destroyed beyond recognition by dogs. As per usual, the dogs were
blamed for her death, although the autopsy had not yet revealed the
cause of the death of this person. On 21st of March, the day of
Bancescu's TV appearance, however, it had been officially announced that
the woman died of alcohol poisoning and because she chocked in her own
vomit -- the adoptions will be limited and forbidden
according to the HCL 145/2013 (HCL is Local Council Decision) the
adoptions will be forbidden for the people or organisations which are
found guilty of abandonment. (please keep in mind that a HCL cannot
supersede a law);
3) individuals or organisations who are
found to abandon will be stopped immediately to adopt although the
Police and Prosecutor's investigations are not completed;
From the moment that Bancescu made the above statement on Romanian
national TV, til ASPA released their "blacklist" the next day, the list
had grown from initially 6 to 19 NGOs, and from 25 to 39 private
individuals. Just like that... in a matter of hours
ASPA's blacklist has not only been published on the website of ASPA,
and in the Romanian newspapers but can also be found on the entrance
doors of the public shelters, as shown on our website, in the picture
taken by Mihnea Columbeanu, at Bragadiru prison which serves as public
shelter, during the release of the 83 dogs on 24th of March, that ASPA
had illegally seized on 21st of March, 2014, the same day as they
released their illegal 'blacklist'
On top of the list we find
the association Cutu-Cutu, who had reported ASPA to the National
Anticorruption Directorate, and who has ordered their prosecution on
02/07/2014, under File number 424/P/2013, following 'Cutu Cutu's
A bit further down, we find also Mr Aurel Ambrozie
who had his dog stolen from his arms by dog catchers because he could
not present the dog's health card.
On Monday, 24th of March,
desperate Mr Aurel Ambrozie, went to Bragadiru prison in the hope to
find his dog there. This happened at the same time when the volunteers
and Vier Pfoten who had their dogs stolen by ASPA were at the prison,
together with reporters and journalists.
In the next pictures
on our website, taken by Mihnea Columbeanu, you can see Mr Ambrozie at
Bragadiru prison, talking to the media and showing the adoption
agreement signed with ASPA for his stolen dog.
The problem that we see with this this "blacklist" is that a LCD (
Local Council Decision) can not supersede a law, well... LAWS, in this
And this is what the Romanian Animal Protection LAWS say about abandonment:
Law 258/2013 modifies and completes the GEO 155/2001 [OUG ) Governmental Emergency Ordinance].
GEO 155/2011 has 17 articles and 5 annexes. GEO 155/2011 has been approved by the Law 227/2002.
First, GEO 155/2011 has been modified and completed by the Law 391/2006: Art 4 and Art 7 (3) were modified.
Law 258/2013 modifies and completes GEO 155/2001 as follow: Art 1 to
Art 15 is modified; Another six articles are added after Art 13 of
Ordinance 155/2001, namely Art Art 13 1 to 13 ^ 6.
Law 9/2008 modifies and completes the Law 205/2004.
Abandonment punishment
According to the Law 258/2013, Art (2) a) that states:
Art 14 (2) The GMT actions constitute the violations, and they are punished as follows:
“Non-compliance with the provisions of Art 6 alinea (2) [note: Art 6
(2) of law 258] and also the cruelty towards the animals, stipulated in
Art 6 (2) of Law 205/2004 with regard to animal protection, with the
subsequent modifications and completions [Note: as mentioned in
Preamble, Law 205/2004 has been completed and modified by Law 9/2008],
[“is punishable by” – this piece of text is missing from the law’s text]
jailing from 6 months to 3 years or with a penal fine of 1000 lei to
10,000 lei and the dog is seized”.
Art 6
(2) of Law 205/2004 with regard to animal protection, with the
subsequent modifications and completions brought by Law 9/2008
* Under the Law 205/2004, Art 6 (2): In the light of this law, by cruelty towards animals is understood:
e) abandonment of an animal who's existence depends on the care of humans.
* The Law 9/2008, modifies the art 6 (2) e) into Art 6 (2) f) which
states: In the light of this law, by cruelty towards animals is
f) abandonment and / or drive away of an animal who's existence depends on the care of humans.
Therefore, based on the above comments: the abandonment is a form of
cruelty towards animals and is punishable by jailing from 6 moths to 3
years or with a penal fine of 1000 lei to 10,000 lei and the dog is
Additionally, it is important to note that ASPA's
decision to block the adoptions for several NGOs and private individuals
seems to be based on HCL 145/2013 of PMB [Art IV Art 6 alin (4) and
(6)], and that states: "the abandonment is established by ASPA upon the
consultation of their data base" and "individuals or NGOs who are
abandoning dogs are forbidden to adopt dogs for 1 year from the last
documented abandonment."
The word that shouts from the page is "documented abandonment"
Furthermore, it is very important to mention that the NORMS on Law 258/2013 state:
Notifying the population in order to claim and adopt stray dogs. The notification of owners
Art. 16. – The specialized services for the management of stray dogs,
respectively the operators of the specialized services for the
management of stray dogs have the obligation to promote their adoption
and claim and to inform periodically the population regarding the
operation programme of stray dog public shelters in order to ensure
Meaning that the authorities must promote
adoptions, NOT hinder or inhibit them by restricting people's access to
shelters, or by prohibiting them without a "documented abandonment" in
"order to "ensure transparency", because a dog can also have escaped or
got lost.
Even, if the abandonment thing might seem
contentious, the question that must be asked is: if a law is broken,
where is the legal action against the lawbreaker?
You can consult all related laws on our website.
Charter of fundamental rights Europe:
Article 8
Protection of personal data
Everyone has the right to the protection of personal data concerning him or her.
Such data must be processed fairly for specified purposes and on the
basis of the consent of the person concerned or some other legitimate
basis laid down by law. Everyone has the right of access to data which
has been collected concerning him or her, and the right to have it
Compliance with these rules shall be subject to control by an independent authority.
Romanian Constitution:
TITLUL II ( Title II ) Drepturile, libertăţile şi îndatoririle fundamentale (The fundamental rights, freedoms and duties)
ARTICOLUL 16 (1) Cetăţenii sunt egali în faţa legii şi a autorităţilor
publice, fără privilegii şi fără discriminări. (The citizens are equal
in front of the law, the public authorities, without privileges and
(2) Nimeni nu este mai presus de lege. (Nobody is above the law)
Romanian Civil Code Codul Civil:
Dreptul la viaţa privată (The right to private life)
Art. 71. – (1) Orice persoană are dreptul la respectarea vieţii sale
private. (All persons have the right to respect of their private life)
(2) Nimeni nu poate fi supus vreunor imixtiuni în viaţa intimă,
personală sau de familie, nici în domiciliul, reşedinţa sau
corespondenţa sa, fără consimţământul său ori fără respectarea limitelor
prevăzute la art. 75. (Nobody can be subjected to any interference in
his private life, personal life, family life, nor in his residence, or
correspondence, without his/her own consent or without following the
limits as presented in art. 75)
(3) Este, de asemenea,
interzisă utilizarea, în orice mod, a corespondenţei, manuscriselor sau
altor documente personale, precum şi a informaţiilor din viaţa privată a
unei persoane, fără acordul acesteia ori fără respectarea limitelor
prevăzute de art. 75. (The use, in any way, of the correspondence,
manuscripts or personal documents, as well as the use of information of
one private life is forbidden, without the consent of that person or
without following the limits as presented in art.75)
How strong are the walls which protect the integrity of a society?
Civilizations have evolved to respect order contained within law... Now,
imagine if you will, a society which has such laws but never enacts
them: Cosmetic... Deceptive... Anarchic!
There exists such a
society! Not at the edge of civilization but by invitation, at the edge
of the European Union. A Union where officials can freely invite but
then declare that they have no controls... NO COMPETENCE.
They invite and then, if issues occur, they declare that they are INCOMPETENT! Et voilà!
Only words?
Here before you are the Laws of Romania and here also are the words of
the Romanian Government. How broken is a society when even those who
create the laws ignore them with derisive importunity?
There is no adherence to laws resulting in volatility, anarchy and instability... in a European country.
Let us lay down beside you - the discerning judge - the law and the
government ignorance of their own laws. We speak not one word but let
you, the discerning listener decide: a law abiding society or one which
exists at the very edge of anarchy BUT regarded by the wise and astute
in Brussels as a valid contemporary member of the European family?
All information about this illegal 'blacklist' the related laws,
references, pictures and videos are compiled on our website, at:
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