All donations will go towards the most urgent cases that week featured on our Facebook page. You can also donate directly to rescuers. Click the link here. The only solution in Romania is to rescue stray dogs and ensure their safe adoption. We hope you will contribute whatever you can towards the safety of these dogs. If they cannot be rescued, they will meet a terrible fate of neglect in the public shelters and a severely painful death as peaceful euthanasia is not common in Romania. For all these reasons, please donate to help. One dog can be maintained with approximately 20 Euros which covers food and flea/tick treatment. In any event, every penny counts, literally.
Children, together with Maja Prinzessin von Hohenzollern, made the world's longest letter against the killing of dogs in Romania
The longest letter in the world is a stunning 938 meters long and was made by children, together with Maja Prinzessin von Hohenzollern, to protest against the killing of dogs in Romania.
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