Monday, 16 September 2013

29 senators led by Tăriceanu blocked strays law

Published on September 15, 2013
Via Ampress.

Twists - where stray dogs new law that allows their killing if not claimed or adopted by anyone within 14 days. Normative act does not apply, at least for now. This is because a number of 29 senators from all parties, including former Liberal premier Tariceanu leaders PPDD and PC groups, respectively Haralambos Vochiţoiu Dumitru Pelican, conservative Cristiana Anghel, members Catalin Croitoru, Liberal and Democrat John Ghişe Liberal Ovidiu Marius Iăsilă, the CCR filed a complaint about the constitutionality of the bill passed the Chamber of Deputies this week, as the camera makers. According Agerpres referral reason the 29 senators is that the normative act different than the form adopted by the Senate yesterday about half a year. "They are essentially modifications of the law, with significant differences between the provisions of art. 4, 7 and 11, etc.. adopted in the two forms of Rooms: Claim terms are established, adoption of stray dogs that much shorter, more drastic conditions are established euthanasia is ruled out returning stray dogs are excluded NGOs in one step important and sensitive program management of stray dogs (euthanasia), etc., "the senators say. By their action, the law is back on the table strays Constitutional Court, which said in the past out of some provisions of the fundamental law. If the law is declared constitutional, it will go to the promulgation at the Cotroceni Palace, but if CCR will say again that some provisions are unconstitutional, Parliament will have to reconcile the contents of the Law Court's decision. 


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