Saturday, 5 October 2013

Dog Rescue Shelter Romania. Donate, Support, Help.

“Dog Rescue Shelter Romania" is a project meant to save animals lives.

We run a shelter in Bucharest, Romania. This was opened in May 2013, from the desire to help as many animals as possible.The animals in our care are animals rescued from the streets, animals with no chance of survival, animals which are now safe and are receiving a new chance for life. 

These animals need food, need medical care, need socializing/training, need homes! For this project to be a successful one we need help so we kindly ask you to support our activity, to support us in covering the huge costs necessary in running a shelter, to help us help the animals. Each animal adopted from our shelter allows another one to be rescued!

Any help, no matter how small, is most welcomed and much needed and we thank you very much for it!” 

Our donation details are:


IBAN lei: RO61 BTRL 0480 1202 L021 92XX
IBAN euro: RO97 BTRL EURC RT00 L021 9202
Transilvania Bank - Chitila branch SWIFT: BTRLRO22
Also visit our Facebook Page

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