Friday, 4 October 2013

Slaughter dogs began to Mihailesti! With a full-blown fight. Animal lovers, beaten by the pound, shelter and sequestered in police investigation!


Slaughter dogs began to Mihailesti! With a full-blown fight. Animal lovers, beaten by the pound, shelter and sequestered in police investigation!The massacre began at Mihailesti! Even "Animal Day"! Tonight begins "euthanasia" shelter dog from Mihailesti. Veterinarian, and pound guard from shelter to Mihailesti have beaten animal lovers who wanted just to take the pound out of the shelter dogs. A number of people were "current" employees and sequestered inside the shelter. Ii Rural Police investigating the animal lovers. Today, October 4, a group of about 15 animal lovers standing in line could enter the "shelter" and recovered its city hall to take the pound dogs, or to adopt a puppy. 15.00, pound and shelter closed metal door guard at the entrance and have never allowed any man to enter the shelter, even though many of those waiting in line outside for about two hours, ie from 13.00, the made even a waiting list, agreed with shelter management.

Slaughter dogs began to Mihailesti! With a full-blown fight. Animal lovers, beaten by the pound, shelter and sequestered in police investigation!Should be noted that at 14.00 until 15.00 only two dogs were adopted from shelter to Mihailesti (PHOTO - Last lucky) to guard shelter veterinarian and others not allowed, except for two people , to come to see the dogs.

Exasperated by the expectations and that they are not allowed access inside the shelter, people were beaten metal door and demanded expense management

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