Tuesday, 22 October 2013


Euthanasia of stray dogs is possible since September 10 when he entered the Law no. 258/2013. According to this, if a dog from a shelter not find master in 14 days, will be euthanized. National Federation for the Protection of Animals plans to attack this law to the ECJ.

FNPAIA proposes mass sterilization of stray dogs, educational programs in schools and accountability of owners of animals, euthanasia instead.

"Since the killing program applied for over 15 years in Romania did not give any results, we propose a program of mass sterilization, identification and adoption of stray dogs.

We propose and educational programs in schools and awareness for current owners of animals to the responsibilities that they have, because we consider these things as the only real solutions to solve the problem of stray dogs and civilized, "he said Tuesday at the a press conference, the president of the National Federation for Animal Protection Monitoring Team), Carmen Arsene.

Along FNPAIA president, was present at the conference and Princess Maja von Hohenzollern, animal rights activist who, on September 12, addressed the Constitutional Court judges, President Traian Basescu and Prime Minister Victor Ponta a letter of protest.

"Please stop this bloody slaughter of stray dogs and angry. Have you pushed the country to a bloody massacre of a size difficult to understand, in which thousands of stray dogs were shot, poisoned, killed or burned alive. It is a matter of consternation and international protests, "said Princess Maja

See more at: http://www.mondonews.ro/eutanasirea-cainilor-comunitari-atacata-la-curtea-de-justitie-a-ue/#comment-10521

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