Tuesday, 22 October 2013

VIER PFOTEN Romania "The cruelty cases against the strays are multiplying every day"

Tuesday, Okt. 22. VIER PFOTEN Romania

The cruelty cases against the strays are multiplying every day, and the situation is going out of control. The romanian authorities are not interested nor efficient in stopping the wave of violence against the animals, perpetrated by those who use illegal methods to get rid of the strays overnight. This was the alarming message transmitted to the journalist by several NGOs, in a press conference organised today in Bucharest by the Romanian Federation for Animal Protection. ”Romania became again the shame of Europe with these barbaric solutions, totally unfit to the 21 century”, said Kuki Barbuceanu from VIER PFOTEN. Princess Maja von Hohenzollern expressed her indignation regarding the strays situation in Romania after the parliament voted the new law of mass killing. — Stop violenței împotriva câinilor fără stăpân (2 Fotos)

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