Sunday, 6 October 2013

Johannis: euthanasia of dogs, a needless barbarism - which measures taken in Sibiu

Translation from Original Link here. 

First vice president of PNL , Klaus Johannis , said on Thursday that it is against euthanasia of stray dogs massive, this solution is taken into account only for sick dogs and not the general method in this case is considered "barbaric".

According to Prime PNL vice president, also mayor of Sibiu, Klaus Johannis, massive euthanize stray dogs is a solution "barbaric" and should not be taken into account only for sick dogs. "No way to agree with euthanasia massive stray dogs. Euthanasia is a solution for dogs sick, malformed, probably. studied less I think I should change the law , if aggressive dogs, because there are such examples. identifiable and may be euthanasia. But the general method, I find the barbaric. legistatie If we talk about (...) would be beneficial Detailed law, because every town has its specificity, "said Johannis Thursday at a press conference. First Deputy Liberal consider the problem of stray dogs is one that you 'court halls, not Parliament, Government, Presidency or NGO -s. " Stray dogs in Sibiu will be sent to Germany "is not a matter of government, central.'s an issue of local governance. problem is in court halls, not the Parliament, the Government, the Presidency, nor the NGOs. NGOs have an important role and we support such partnership that helps us, but they do not solve the problem, nor would be unfair to expect NGOs to solve a local problem management. do not think all the issues that are of major public concern must be addressed fully by inventing a new law or an ordinance. legislation can be improved, but the problem needs to be solved there which appears in the local community, "said Johannis. dogs have been adopted are euthanized, but remanded the district 

According to him, in Sibiu, stray dogs problem is well managed, stray dogs were taken from the street, sterilized and sanitized in Dealu Center Gusteritei, kept there for two weeks, after which, if they do not adopt one, are called into territory but sterilized dogs will naturally disappear. "In my opinion, the way we started in 2008 to solve the problem, is a good way, but require many years. November we decided to build a special center for stray dogs, we created a service that takes care of this. dogs are trapped in the city, taken to the center, where sterilized, sanitized, Sibiu kept available about 2 weeks, during which dogs can be adopted. those who will not be adopted after the period provided by law, shall be called the city, in the district where they were taken. This are reduced greatly as the birth rate and, in time, this breed of dog will disappear community close to all of the urban landscape. not happen quickly, because these dogs are quite hardy, but also because many do not want to Sibiu take responsibility for a dog yet feed it along the block, for example, "explained Klaus Johannis. Moreover, Johannis said that faced with the problem of "guest dogs" brought in from other areas and abandoned in Sibiu. La Sibiu, dogs is given to international adoption "It quickly disappears species and because there appears to surrounding communities and they have found the solution for stray dogs: ii gather and bring in Sibiu. November we also provide them. longer come at a big house a guest, not a problem. want to reiterate why I think our concept is good: because it is a concept devoid of unnecessary barbarism. Heard position statements in the media as to kill all stray dogs. approach does not seem right for the period in which we live, let alone the fact that they tried in many cities, if I remember correctly a few years ago even in Bucharest, without any success, "said Klaus Johannis. Johannis explained that there are other solutions to get rid of stray dogs, one being international adoption, which was embraced in Sibiu. "We have developed with a number of NGOs, a number of very good programs, NGOs arranging adoptions of dogs and in Germany, and in Austria and elsewhere, and in the country. awareness programs in schools We who come to show what can be done to support a dog and what should be avoided to prevent such tragic accidents, "he Sibiu mayor Klaus Johannis. Mayor Klaus Johannis said that an estimated currently exist in the city until 3000 stray dogs.

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