Saturday, 5 October 2013

More human deaths after attempts to poison stray dogs.

Tens of dogs have been poisoned, during a "pest control operation " in Izlaz - Teleorman County.

In the same period, a person died under suspicious circumstanced, a homeless man who might have eaten poisoned sausages dumped on the streets to kill the dogs. 

The Mayor, who is a veterinarian, said that it is not the authorities who put the poison. The Police did nothing because they said that the victim ( human ) did not present marks of violence, thus it is not a violent death. The locals are afraid to say more, but want to find the truth...

The national hysteria against the stray dogs, after the death of the young child, now makes victims amongst the poor people, without resources. Our news paper has been informed that on the streets of Izlas, there are tens of dead dogs, who were poisoned by the local authorities. Even more, some locals had their own dogs killed. From local sources we know that everything started in the evening of Sept.14.

Many people who are under social assistance from the Town Hall, have been seen dumping saussages at the outskirts of the commune. The next day, there was a massacre. Tens of dogs, laying dead, on their backs. Some were agonizing. Around 11 am, a rumor started circulating, that Nelu Fiscuci had also died aftre his mother fried some sausages he brought.

People gathered at their home, in a remote area of the commune, The Police and the Ambulance came too. the locals said that Nelu and his mother went to harvest grapes. His mother remained behind to ready the cart, and he went home. Nelu was an alcoholic, and he was seen very many times drunk. because of this he gained his life collecting metal. It seems that he did the same thing that Sunday. He went at the outskirts of the village to look for metal, and he found the sausages, which he brought home and asked him mother to fry them for him. Shortly after he ate he became very ill. He is shivery and starts vomiting. His mother Alecandra call the ambulance. When the ambulance came, 20 minutes after, Nelu did not move anymore. He was 54 years old. All resuscitation maneuvers failed and he was pronounced dead. T Meantime the Police also came to see if there were suspicious marks on his body, and they did not say any, so they did not declare his death as suspicious.

Sources told us, that the personnel from the ambulance wrote on his death certificate as cause of death " Cardiac insufficiency due to alcoholism 

The autopsy will cost you  who were there when the ambulance came, said thatr the family was told that they have to pay 300 lei for the autopsy and 600 more to bring the body back from the morgue. Because they did not have more than 10 lei the family has give up to find out the real motif of his death. Meantime, family and friends gathered the necessary fro the funeral. Same sources say that the Physician from the ambulance talked on the phone for 20 minutes with someone, and he was heard saying " Something is suspicious here">

The locals declared under the promise of anonymity, that the one who ordered the poisoning of the dogs is the Mayor himself, desperate that many stray dogs are brought in his comune from Alexandria or Turnu Magurele, and abandoned here. One villagers, angry because his dogs were also poisoned, in his yard, took one dead dog and left it in the Town Hall "Let the Mayor do whatever he wants with him now "

"I also heared about this, but it has not been confirmed" 

The Mayor of Islaz - Ionel Geara ( PSD ) won is third mandate. The locals are afraid of him, because he is Liviu Dragnea's protegee, the one who makes the law in Teleorman. " I heared about poisoning of dogs but this has not been confirmed. Nobody came to my with any-dog. I am a veterinarian technician. I know nothing about this. I went on the streets but I did not see any dead dog. We have "security " for our commune which is done by those who receive social assistance, they would have told me if they saw anything" 

The same sources told us that Liviu Dragnea was a schoolmate with Marian Fiscuci, the cousinf of the deceased. Poeple say that the one who paid for the funeral was marian, who also has a butchery form where those sausages were bought. Marian FIscusi is know in the local media for his business through the County Council, with Tel Drum Company.

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