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Ionut Anghel’s body could be unearthed… ADP’s Director of sector 2 and the owner of the land where the body of Ionut Anghel was found, as well as representatives of SC Tei Residential SRL, were called last Tuesday at the Investigator’s Office and informed that I file was opened accusing them in connection with the death of the little boy. The accusation is: killing through fault (?I) According to some sources of the Prosecutor’s Office, both the General Director of ADP sector 2, Cristian Lemnaru as well as Constantin Ciorascu, he who holds double function in this case – administrator of Tei Residential Company and shareholder of the Association – declined to give any statements, intending to declare their point of view before the Court only. At this stage of the investigations, when the proceedings just began, the prosecutors are able to ask for the unearthing of the body even without the child’s parents consent. Our sources reveal that the decision to unearth the body will be taken in the following few days, when the prosecutors intent to assess, in a special sitting, the need for a new forensic analysis, which would have to corroborate with some criminal clues from the tests already taken from the child’s body. We heard last Monday afternoon that the investigators invited the child’s parents at the Investigator’s Office. In the circumstances and as advised by their lawyer Bogdan Barbucean, Ionut Anghel’s parents gave up temporarily their intention of opening a civil case demanding 1 million Euro, an issue which can be reintroduced only after the prosecutors brought the case of those indicted for this tragedy into Court.
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